Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can i train jujitsu with a cold tonight?

i have had a cold for 3 days and still hav it i have got jujitsu training tonights is it still ok to go btw i really wana go|||I would skip it.

Training partners don%26#039;t appreciate catching your sickness. While it is admirable, you could try to do some conditioning on your own just to get a sweat on.

Skip the bringing in a virus to your dojo, everyone else will appreciate it.|||If it%26#039;s been at least 24 hours since you%26#039;ve had a fever and there is no rattling in your chest, take some Mucinex D and/or Allegra, hydrate plenty, and tough it out.

If you%26#039;ve had a fever on Sunday or today, rest up. You could still do your stretches at home. If you have rattling in your chest, go to the doctor to be cleared before returning to jujitsu.|||It can be done, but you risk spreading your cold to everyone in the class. Therefore you probably shouldn%26#039;t go.

These germs can be spread via contact and many are airborne.|||yeah you%26#039;ll sweat it out of you, so you%26#039;ll probably get better, however your buyu will all catch it if it%26#039;s airborne in the dojo.

edit: i don%26#039;t mean they%26#039;ll catch the cold in an everyday sense...due to heat and sweat, your cold will be especially rampant in the dojo.|||Give everyone in the dojo your cold .They will love and appreciate you more.|||my sensei had a cold once, so I think it is ok.

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