Monday, May 17, 2010

American Kenpo or Goshin Jujitsu?

Which would you prefer simply for self-defense?

Thanks for the advice.|||American kenpo|||American Kenpo :)*|||probably jujitsu|||Goshin Jitsu translates to %26quot;Self Defense Techniques%26quot;, so it%26#039;s not a specific style, it%26#039;s all martial arts. The martial arts that contain Goshin Jitsu in their curriculums SEPERATELY are not intended as self defense arts but performance, breathing arts, and martial sports, like Judo for instance. Judo is totally a grappling martial art with no maiming techniques and is intended for sports, but certain schools will teach some self defense techniques once you reach a certain level. Arts like Karate however, automatically teaches Goshin-jutsu because that is what the art is all about, SELF DEFENSE.

Anyway, to get back to the point, you can%26#039;t compare the two because they%26#039;re the same thing. American Kenpo is Goshin Jitsu|||thats funny our school teaches kenpo and goshin jitsu not jujitsu but i just foun it ironic. umm i would say for practical self-defense kenpo. im not familiar with the other but if its like goshin jitsu then you would get a traditional workout with many traditional katas. it all depends on wat ur lookin 4.|||any breed of jujitsu is great. however, the more traditional Japanese jujitsu Ryu%26#039;s will help you develop your striking abilities. you may find (as I have) that every aspect of combat must be addressed if you are to be effective (including self-defense).

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