Monday, May 17, 2010

1st grading for Brazilian Jujitsu?

What moves do you need to know for 1st grading and how long do you have to train before getting it?|||The school where I train doesnt have specific moves or techniques that you need to learn in order to move up in rank. In order to move up you have to dominate all or most of the white belts to prove that youre on a different level then them. Tapping out a couple blue belts always helps|||there are no gradings for bjj, promotion is based on performance, you get your blue belt when you can beat almost all the white belts where you train and some of the blues, for most people this takes about 2 years|||There are no standards for grading in BJJ (if there are GET OUT FAST!!!)

BJJ promotions are based solely on performance. We have some people that are ready to move to blue belt around a year.....some are 2 years or longer.|||I think you should ask your instructor. Also don%26#039;t get too stressed about your 1st grading, If you are the one who is grading.|||The standards for grading and belt promotions vary between schools, but the widely accepted measures of a person%26#039;s skill and rank in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are:

1)The amount of technical knowledge they can demonstrate, and

2)Their performance in sparring and competition.

To get to 1st grading you will have to listen to your instructor carefully and show him that you can perform all the tricks (he had taught you so far) very well. It depends on the Instructor what type of techniques he is going to teach so do well on the basic moves.

Sometimes when a student is really good (he can perform moves that have not yet been taught), that student is immediately get the hgher grades (no skipping is allowed but the process of achieving higher grades are much faster for talented ones).

So it really depends on the student, there are no specific procedures...

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