Monday, May 17, 2010

Boxing vs Japanese Jujitsu?

I was wondering what would be more practical in a real life situation out on the street if I were to get into a confrontation. Would Boxing be better or would Japanese Jujitsu with some Judo mixed in be better?|||Jujitsu helps more in a real life situation|||boxers only have 2 weapons martial artists have as many as they know how to you work it out?|||The japanese jujitsu would probably be a better bet b/c it is a martial art and boxing is more of a sport.|||Its hard to say, boxing will teach you how to take a punch and give you good fitness and strength, but Jujitsu has alot of valuable things also, Jujitsu would also take longer to learn, i think doing both would be the best thing|||Either would be good. Both teach you to think when being attacked and not to run in fear.|||Jujitsu, it is made for realy life situations

but the truth is if you took both and some judu, you would be such a bad ***

see some times boxing is so good for you because you could just jack someone before he know what is going on, watch many ground guy lose becuase they did not know what was going on, and next thing WAM! they go down|||Definitely jujitsu.Jujitsu is very complex and comprehensive martial art (Judo is based on jujitsu - all the techniques are a variation).There is enormous variety of throws,hits,arm and leg locks.Not only are you able do learn self defense, build very good bio-mechanical knowledge but also work for stamina and body structure.With jujitsu gives you the ability to exercise every muscle and become more one with your body.

I love boxing,used to compete in kick-boxing and some achievements,I switched to jujitsu after and a whole new world was revealed to me.Boxing is fun,it is competitive,there is nothing like the experience on the ring... But that just is not enough.Jujitsu gives you the knowledge how to defend efficiently without much physical effort and regardless of your strength.In my opinion jujitsu is the most efficient martial art (while box is no more than a sport) and the outcome is easy to predict.Of course it depends mostly on the fighters but I am speaking by summarizing here.|||honestly i would do the one that has sparring...mainly so you can see what fighting a real opponents is like...|||Dude boxing in any MMA or street fights is fairly useless Unless you are a well trained all around fighter, Im a former boxer,. and Ill tell ya from exp. If boxing is all you know when it comes down fighting in the street or anything else, then you are gonna be in trouble!|||boxing because it easier to do in a real fight ju jitsu is much hard i have heard judo is ok but id stick with boxing and infact i do do boxing at the local clube w00t|||Ahh I asked a question similar to this, and I think I kinda compiled an answer. Boxers fight under boxing rules. Any well trained boxer is trained to take kicks. They have no kick defense. Boxers also expect that their opponent will not be able to throw there hands down and elbow then in the face, and follow with a right knee to the gut either.

Boxing is a sport\hobby. Not self defense. %26lt;--- My basic opinion.

However, training punches (Heavy bag, speed bag, etc) never hurts for any sport. Boxing can be a crossover for many martial arts.

And as for which is better in a practical situation, I%26#039;d say Japanese Jujitsu for sure.

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