Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am going for Jujitsu training tommorrow first time ever?

What can I expect?|||White Belt: This is the belt of paying your dues. This is the belt where you will spend most of your time on your back. You usually end up doing most of the tapping out as well.

Your ability to grapple successfully will depend largely on three things:

your previous martial arts experience, (a grappling background helps a lot)

your current fitness level, (a higher level of fitness help tremendously)

your ability to learn visually (visual learners adapt and absorb information more quickly)

Students who come from a wrestling background seem to adapt very well to the slight change in grappling methods. Students who come from an athletic background also seem to adapt quite well.

Those who come from a striking background sometimes have a difficult time adapting. Many have become so accustomed to visually grabbing onto the vertical and horizontal lines of the walls, doorways and ropes to stabilize their equilibrium that they feel very uncomfortable with the diagonal world of grappling. They quickly learn that the ground has not been their friend, and, that they must take some time to acquaint themselves with this new perspective.|||Hi there

What can you expect?

Well lots of new things to learn in a strange environment!

Don%26#039;t let that put you off thought all students have had to start at the bottom and some of us even go back there to learn new arts.

Expect to first start learning basic ukemi (falling) and kiten (rolls) and some basic locks, kamae (stances) and holds.

Its all fun and a good instructor should not ask you to perform anything that you don%26#039;t feel confident about.

Enjoy the budo!


idai|||Expect sore limbs from people trying to rip your arms off, and a sore throat from people trying to choke you half to death.|||If u never wrestled in high school before then expect to do a lot of grappling workouts. Lots of push ups, shrimping, and expect to drill the same thing over and over (its the only way u will learn). Dont expect to tap anyone out ur fitst day, most likely ur trainer wont let u grapple with anyone ur first day anyway. GOOD LUCK!!!|||You will have fun. I made black belt in Sho Sho Ryu Aiki Bujitsu and it has really been fun. The first time I ever did the classes, because I had never done the rolls and falls I was hurting in places I did not even know I had muscles but it went away fairly quickly.

I don%26#039;t know a whole lot about the Brazilian style but I do remember Hoyce Gracie who won a few of the UFC fights. It is really respectable. The style I took closer resembled what you see in Steven Segals movies.

When you really get into the rolls and falls it will take over like second nature. I kind of walked off an 18%26quot; dock one time and because I knew how to fall I avoided serious injury except to my pride for not paying attention to where I was going.

Peace and good luck...|||when i started i just asked if i could join in and he said yes, i had no gi but they didn%26#039;t mind. we warmed up and stretched then he got the guys to do some very complicated drills but showed me some more simple drills to practise on with one of the blue belts, after about half an hour he got us to roll, i was surprised but he threw me straight in the deep end and put me with a purple belt who then proceeded to sub me multiple times in the 6 Min%26#039;s time limit, i was beat up but i enjoyed i, we continued to roll for about 90 Min%26#039;s and that was it best workout i ever had|||PAIN!! No, it%26#039;ll be really fun. You%26#039;ll be doing alot of warm ups that will teach you the proper way to fall and roll. Get there early to stretch because you%26#039;ll be doing alot of maneuvers that will involve your joints. Since you%26#039;re beginning, you might night be working too much on technique, but just getting comfortable with the basics. I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ll love it.

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