Friday, May 21, 2010

Explain the Jujitsu belt ranking system?

The belt ranking system for jujitsu would be lightest to darkest (ex..white,yellow,orange..ect) and after black belt would be dan ranking which is from 1-10.|||The Jujitsu belt ranks are in two groups, Kyus and Dans. The Kyus are the standard ranks from white to black (lightest to darkest) going as follows: White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown and Black. There are 13 Kyus in total, which includes split ranks such as yellow/orange. There are 10 Dans, which are black belt ranks. There are no significant color differences, except for some stripes on the belt. The Dans go from level one black belt, all the way to the red belt (level 10).

Hope this answers your question

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