Saturday, May 15, 2010

Which should i start aikido or jujitsu or karate ? ?

i am looking to start one of these but which one is best and why ? |||After more than forty three years of training in various Chinese, Korean, and Japanese styles, western boxing, various weapon systmes, having fought professionally in full contact karate and boxing in the 1970%26#039;s and early 80%26#039;s as well as having taught, served as a bodyguard and worked as a bouncer, this one is now studying aikido and finds it the most effective martial art he has ever studied.

It does and can included a variety of strikes with ones hands, feet, knees, elbows and head buts while it is primarily a system that uses the energy of the agressor(s) against the same employing throws and joint locks.

It is based uopn the Japanese sword.

One studies aikido until one attains the level of sho-dan (black belt) and then one knows the basics well enough to practice the art.

There are no body art katas however there are katas with weapons consisting primarily of the bokken and the jo.

In the study of aikido, one learns to harmonize his energy with that of everyone and everything else and this will have a positive effect on ones entire life.

There is both a strong spiritual element and aikido promotes community.

Despite what some others might say or believe, aikido is effective and life transforming.

For more imformation, please research O%26#039;Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, the writings of John Stevens, as well as the wrtings of Mitsugi Saotome Sensei, Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei, and Kissamoru Ueshiba Sensei, the founders son.

For imformation regarding schools, please go online to the United States Aikido Federation and/or Aikido Journal.

May it be well with you.|||If you want real world results, that will really allow you to defend yourself in real situations, against people really trying to hurt you, then you want Jujitsu. The rest will give you a good workout and build your confidence. They will also get you killed in a real situation in you tried to use them. So it%26#039;s up to you what your goals are. Karate gets a cool outfit (called a gi) and you will feel cool, like the ninja kids in all those movies. Aikido will teach you lots of esoteric philosophy and weird stuff some people tend to love. A Jujitsu fighter with equal experience/weight/fitness will defeat the rest with ease in an actual fight.|||none there is no best style.

you need to find a good teacher. this is more important

Karate (the way of the empty hand(Japanese, Okinawan) major styles. Modern karate can be considered a combination of various kung fu styles and to-de jitsu.

Shotokan is both a hard and soft style. Long and short range fighting, some joint locks and throws.

Goju ryu is a hard style, short range fighting

Isshin Ryu is mostly a soft style and close range fighting

Wado Ryu is mostly a soft style

Shito-Ryu. Is both a hard and soft style, mid range to long range fighting.

Jujitsu (Japanese)has many style small circle, others large circle (aikido) some styles have both strikes and grappling, other just concentrate on grappling.

Aikido large circle jujitsu no strikes|||They are completely different philosophies of fighting. I personally started with Tae Kwon Do, and didn%26#039;t know much about the other types. I figured they were all the same. I went to a tournament once to watch some of the senior belts compete, and I was amazed at the differences in styles. It%26#039;s hard to exactly explain all the differences, after all a punch is a punch, but its the who way you use your body and mind against your opponent.

If you%26#039;re just looking for a good workout, I would suggest picking the cheapest one you can find. If you want to enter the fighting lifestyle, either competitively or as one who practices for the rest of their life, just pick the one you like best. I promise you there is no %26quot;best%26quot; style, it all depends on the skill level and experience of the fighter. I%26#039;ve seen black belts get their buts kicked by bar room brawlers simply because they have no real world experience.|||Try Aikido

Jujitsu by my opinion is the strongest,but at the same time my total recommendation is Aikido,which is very powerful and focuses on strikes and slams.If you slam someone on hard side walk...OUCH don%26#039;t take karate its form has not been updated in a long time.Its full of techniques that most people can recognize,counter,and predict.I do have respect for karate but its a little cliche.Also it takes far more time to earn ranks with your belts.Karate users please don%26#039;t thumbs me down its just my opinion that doesn%26#039;t make my thoughts true.|||are all of those arts available to you?

if so try them all.

a word of warning....alot of people on this site have no idea what they are talking about. goju ryu a hard style? ... i think not. the name itsself even translates hard/soft style.

aikido (just my personal opinion) sucks. by that i mean it takes wayyyy too long to get good at. it has not offensive strikes. and is more ceremonial than church. again just my opinion but aikido isn%26#039;t the best fighting art especially for a beginner.

jujutsu has many variations. japanese koryu jujutsu which is rare. gendai jujutsu which is probably what you would be learning. brazilian jujutsu (spelled jiujitsu most of the time)...all of them are good. but the koryu is pretty are most truly traditional japanese arts. it%26#039;s great for self defense. jujutsu is mostly a grappling, throwing, and joint locking art that does contain some strikes. but they are not used to hurt, maim, or kill so much as to set up throws or locks. brazilian jujutsu is groundfighting almost exclusively...and is very good at it. but not really %26quot;complete%26quot; in that sense.

karate also takes a long time to learn. but it is very well rounded if it%26#039;s okinawan karate. it will teach strikes, throws, takedowns, locks, etc etc. it is form or %26quot;kata%26quot; based. and the kata hold many secrets, techniques, principles...etc.

japanese karate is simpler...more striking oriented. little more (combat wise) than kickboxing with kata.

try them all, read up on them and make your own decision.|||Get some books out of the library of all three.

Something with a good number of pictures in it, that really important.

As well as really exciting you can learn so much visually as they ten to be step-by-step and move-by-move sequence pics.

Skim the notes and philosophy they are excellnt to read.|||it is not a matter of best, but best for you.

aikido and jujitsu are similar, karate is not even close.

i suggest trying classes in all three, watch the black belts spar, then choose.

karate is aggressive, you can strike first. you take the hits.

akido, running away, or ducking, is acceptable. it is a redirection of force. karate, if a guy charges at you with a club, you kick, punch, meet the force head on, in aikido, you step to the side, garb is arm and redirect him into a wall, or, by twisting arm up, he flips over backwards.

karate screams, jumps, breaks a sweat. aikido can take him off is feet with one hand, quietly.

karate kicks and punches, fast, akido ducks, if we can grab a leg after a kick, we dont let go, we break every joint, every bone and use it to throw you, before letting go.

karate spin kicks, which will take your head off, aikido attacks the foot they are standing on, during the spin. or step into him, so he misses, or run around behind him.

do i think karate is wrong? no. i have studied aikido and i have sparred with karate, kung fu, tae ko do, i respect them. if i had to fight a black belt karate, i would prefer to shoot him. which is the American martial art.

it only takes one kick that comes out of nowhere, wraps around his head, to gain your respect of karate.

karate is great for the young, athletic. it gives you a way to burn off energy when you cant stand still. aikido is great for the older, calmer people, who dont like all that noise, and blood.

we would rather just break the arm, and go home., during a fight.

watch Steven segal movies. most of what he does is aikido, although he uses all different martial arts. the grappling, throwing, holds, walking and foot placement, are aikido.

jujitsu is more like wrestling.

edit - watch out for the hard style karate. it is an Americanized version, and after about 10 years of breaking baseball bats with your shins and cement blocks with your elbows, and being thrown onto concrete floors you will be limping to aikido classes because your body is shot.|||I would suggest karate: shaolin kempo style to be exact. It not only gives you effective skills and power while on your feet but it also teaches you how to fight using Jui Jitsu as well so its like a combination of the two.|||il give you a simple answer what one have you heard of the most, Karate? its the most popular how can many people be wrong

its good for health defence and it can be enjoyable.|||I would say karate ! I do its so fun and also it teaches you discipline and self defence |||karate because i dont know about the other 2

:)|||neither...they are both a lot of nonsense as far as fighting are concerned...go to boxing|||Find a good class or teacher give all three a try?

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