Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the best exercises for having a strong triangle in Brazilian jujitsu?

I got a thigh master in hopes that it will help though it probably won%26#039;t be very heavy. What else can I do|||the triangle choke doesnt require requires good positioning and technique.

sink it in....and if he doesn%26#039;t escape in the first couple seconds...he%26#039;s finished!

the best way to get good at anything is to do it.

once you have the triangle closed...its easy.

rather should concentrate on getting into position in the first place.|||Strength is not such a huge factor since it doesnt take much pressure to close up the artery.

But to increase the pressure, you need the proper angle. Never squeeze until you have the right angle, you know its not the proper angle if you are still right in front of his head. And the proper %26quot;squeeze%26quot; is by pushing your knees together, not by clamping down on your legs.

Also, use lunges, squats and practice to build strength in your thighs if necessary.|||As others have mentioned, positioning is far more important than strength for a triangle choke. A distrubing amount of people neglect to shift to the side when they throw up a triangle, which makes the choke significantly weaker.

Also, it helps to know how to pull your leg up. Rather than grabbing your foot, you should pull by your shin.

Again, as mentioned in the video, a better angle = better choke. this is especially true if you%26#039;re like me, and have short legs.

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