Saturday, November 14, 2009

How Long Does a Judo Or jujitsu Class Last?

It would vary from school to school. In the past our classes were 2 hours. Now, we are only doing an hour and a half.|||Depends on the teacher but usually they last between an hour .. 2 at a push

you should be doing at least 2 classes a week if your doing it for 2 hours ... ideally 3/4/5

remember the people that are the best are the ones that are there working week in week out!!|||Yep! It depends on the instructor, can also depend on how long the hall/gym is available/hired for.

On average, anything from 45 mins to 2 hours.|||Typical US Judoka 3 to 4 hours a week. Typical Judoka in Japan (15 to 18 hours a week.) Average time to get a Shodan 1500 to 2000 hours.|||It will depend on how your sensei choses it to be. I take Judo and my class is and 1h and 45 min.|||It depends on the individual who%26#039;s holding the classes.

Our class lasts an hour and with the pace the teacher works everyone, a hour is enough! :)|||I must go to a good gym cause mines 6 hours a week.

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