Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's the likelihood of disease from wrestling/jujitsu?

Is it common for jujitsu artists to contract diseases? What comes to mind is the heavy sweating and close physical contact involved.|||ALWAYS wash your gi after a session of rolling. and ALWAYS shower after you roll, the risk of staph infection and ring worm depends on the people you drill with, but ive heard of some super bug floating around that can potentially kill more people than AIDS, so always keep clean after rolling. and be sure they was their mats wherever you practice at.|||The worse thing I have heard of is occasional ringworm from the mats. However, the chances are highly lowered from taking a shower afterwards (I%26#039;m serious) and for the instructor to clean the mats once in a while.

Otherwise, the chance of disease seems pretty low. If you have something infectious like a cold, it should be the policy of the club/school/organization to take a break|||several studies have shown that herpes is on the rise in highschool eMedicine or sportsmedicine highschool wrestlers.Its the gift that keeps on giving..My son will not wrestle in highschool.

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