Friday, November 18, 2011

Whats the Difference Between Judo and Jujitsu ?

And which one would benefit more in a real life situation ?

And which one would benefit your freestyle wrestling skills?

Thanks for your time.|||Judo (along with Aikido) is the modern adaptation of the classical jujutsu of feudal Japan. It was founded by Jigoro Kano in the 1880%26#039;s as both as a sport and a martial art. Kano took numerous techniques from several different styles of jujutsu and consolidated and/or simplified them into a single system. He also removed many of the more deadly techniques so that Judo can be practiced at %26quot;full speed.%26quot; Kano also created the modern black belt system that all modern Japanese martial arts have in common now. It%26#039;s important to note here that Kano%26#039;s system (the original system of Judo) is known as Kodokan Judo. Since WWII, numerous other types/styles of Judo have been created that are similiar to the Kodokan system, but not identical. A good example here is Brazilian JiuJitsu as well as any sort of %26quot;Goshin-Jitsu%26quot; system you might see advertised on the internet or in your local Yellow Pages.

Classical jujutsu is very difficult to learn, presuming that you can even find a ligitimate school here in the States (there are very few legitimate classical JJ schools here in America). It is complicated and takes years to become proficient. Even Judo and Aikido, with their somewhat simplified curriculums, takes about 3 years of diligent study before earning your 1st degree BB.

Which one is better? Based upon your stated criteria, I%26#039;d go with Judo. You can always suppliment you Judo with Kenpo or Karate, since Judo has less atemi waza (striking techniques) than classical jujutsu.

For more info, check out this site:|||Judo is more sport oriented.

Jujitsu is what judo was derived from.

Both styles are very similar , jujitsu is a bit more for the street however. Either would benefit freestyle wrestling.|||Spelling|||judo is for un-orthodox throws

[don%26#039; t underestimate the power of a good judo throw]

jujitsu is for grappling/submission mainly on the ground/ take-down to ground/ real life situations it%26#039;s pointless because you%26#039;ll get stomped out by other people laying around on the ground

ju jitsu helps wrestling/defense more judo works standing/wild take-downs throws equals more useful for clinches and therefore real street fighting|||Judo is the sport form of jujitsu.

Traditionally and literally they should mean the same thing, however when people refer to the %26quot;short%26quot; form of the art (as with Ken-do vs. Ken-jutsu) they usually mean the sport form of the art.

Both can increase your skills and in a real-life situation, the person that trains harder and sparrs (or Randori) would be the better fighter.

Jujitsu at first glance may be more appropriate for a real fight- but how many schools teach at a high intensity? Judo schools on average I would imagine do- but the numbers and odds of finding a good jujitsu school would not be low at all. In fact I would imagine it would be pretty easy to find a good one.

Off hand I can think of two and I never had any interest in taking the art and stumbled upon them purely through friends by chance. (one of these schools the sensei refused to promote any of its students during one test session because they refused to spar with the %26quot;ranking%26quot; black belt during testing)|||one is korean and one is japanese and i doubt they work in real life unless your jackie chan or jet li cause when i was younger i beat the hell out of a guy who took karate lessons and he said he was good but he never laid a hand on me all i did was grab him by the throat and punch him 4 or 5 times and it was over and i know other people who take martial arts and they said it would be useless trying to fight me cause im bigger than they are and everyone i knew that took them are really short and skinny are you short and skinny?|||Judo, with the suffix %26#039;-do%26#039; is translated into %26#039;the gentle way%26#039;, jujutsu, with the suffix %26#039;-jutsu%26#039; is translated into %26#039;the gentle art%26#039;. So if you really want to be philisophical, judo is the more spirtual art, while jujutsu is meant purely for it%26#039;s martial aspects.

As said above, judo was derived from jujutsu as a gentler counterpart.

I would say jujutsu would be better in a real life situation, but i would certainly blend other arts in as well.

I think that judo would be better for wrestling, seeing as most of the locks and things in jujutsu (as far as i know) are not allowed in wrestling.

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