Friday, November 18, 2011

Does it matter what kind of brazilian jujitsu i get?

ok, i just joined the bjj club at my school and i am enjoying it very much. my coaches said they will be ordering gi%26#039;s for fifty dollars a pop. they themselves said that these gi%26#039;s are inferior quality and they even said they went around trying to find the cheapest ones. i dont know if i will keeping doing bjj for a long time. should i just get this basic gi and use that, or will i become a much better practitioner with a better gi.|||If they%26#039;re teaching it at your school then their going to water it down a LOT that way if one of you get in a fight you won%26#039;t seriously hurt someone.|||just get the basic or ask if you can do it without a gi|||get the basic one; it%26#039;s really about the wear and tear that the gi will go through; some people are going to train whole hog a couple hours a day, 5-6 days a week, for many years; with all that tugging and grabbing and sweating, it%26#039;s going to take it%26#039;s toll, so it%26#039;s worth the investment for soemone who intends to train like that to get better gis

if your training isn%26#039;t that intensive, and you%26#039;re not even sure if you%26#039;ll need it to last that long, that it may not be worth the investment

you%26#039;ll always have an opportunity to upgrade later|||Basic, get a good one online for $36.

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