Monday, May 17, 2010

Does JuJitsu get you into shape?

Im 14 I want to start to get into shape and lose weight. How long would it take for me to lose weight? So yeah, thanks for your answers! =]|||You can%26#039;t go wrong with jujitsu. I sat out for 10 yrs and when I went back into Jujitsu at age 36 (I am a women) I lost about 15 pounds right off. Most importantly I lost 6 sizes in about three months, and because of the work outs I didn%26#039;t have to sacrifice muscle. At your age you should have no problem. It gets much harder to get in shape at 40. Thats my age now and I am still in good shape. Good luck.|||jiu jitsu can be very good for getting in shape but it isn%26#039;t the best because if you get good technique you can still do really good in class.|||took me a month to lose 10 lbs and i had done football and wrestling before so it%26#039;s not like i was out of shape.. Once you start sparring you%26#039;ll start losing weight immediatly.|||yes its a total body workout,, I ended up being sore;ll lose weight right away depending on how hard you work...If you coast you wont lose as much....

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