Sunday, April 26, 2009

What are the main differences between brazilian jujitsu and jukido jujitsu?

I am trying to decide between brazilian jujitsu and jukido jujitsu and im unsure of which academy to join. What are the main differences between the 2? Thanks|||Jukido Jujitsu is usually taught with a karate form (Kokondo) and is considered a %26quot;complete%26quot; art. There are aspects of grappling, striking, throws, and submissions. The training is pretty traditional in it%26#039;s approach and is focused on practical self defense and the traditional bushido codes. Most teachers do not want their students entering tournaments for competition as it is seen as disruptive to the self defense training. I don%26#039;t have any experience with Kokondo or Jukido Jujitsu but it%26#039;s well respected as far as I have heard.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is mainly considered a grappling art, but many schools teach basic striking and striking defense, and some teach %26quot;MMA%26quot; principles (Mixed Martial Arts). Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) focuses on opponent control through gaining dominant position (like wrestling) and then submission without strikes through the use of chokes and locks. You will learn the fight game from free-movement to clinch to ground, with the ultimage goal being submitting the opponent on the ground. BJJ is really a single combat weaponless form (one-on-one) more than a self defense form (armed attacker or multiple attackers).

|||There are no main differences. The differences are subtle, but profound. I prefer the jukido form, but the Brazilian form has its merits. I suggest you find a dojo that teaches both, and work from there.|||...WTF is Jukido Jujitsu?|||-JUTSU not -JITSU!

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